jueves, 12 de junio de 2014


Un día más aquí estamos para relatar lo acontecido durante el día. Comenzó el día con una pequeña sorpresa. Los profesores del colegio habían preparado un intercambio cultural entre nuestros niños y los niños de la República Checa. Una ronda de preguntas entre todos comunicándose a través del inglés. Una forma excepcional de comenzar el día trabajando. A los niños les encantó la experiencia. Después de un pequeño descanso comenzó el trabajo ya entre ellos. Más tarde comida en grupo y preparación para la excursión de la tarde. Sam nos guió hasta Beachy Head. Es sin duda una maravilla natural. Unos acantilados de tiza que dejan sin respiración a cualquiera.
La subida hasta una de las siete colinas fué dura, aunque alguna se atrevió a subirla corriendo. A continuación algunos optaron por tirarse allí a tomar el sol y a descansar. Los días hacen que los chavales estén cansados. Pero el buen humor siempre reina. Otros se atrevieron a caminar hasta las proximidades del Faro de la zona. Desde luego que mereció la pena por las buenas vistas q divisamos desde allí. A la vuelta un buen helado y una bajada frenética hasta la ciudad. Algunos optaron por métodos poco ortodoxos para hacerlo. Después una actividad en grupo donde en inglés tuvieron que resumir el día. Al final de la hoja la podéis ver.

Por último nos fuimos todos a comer unas pizzas para cenar. La verdad es que el grupo de chavales se está portando genial. Da gusto trabajar con ellos. Están cansados pero, incluso así, ponen el máximo para realizar el trabajo que se les encarga.

Resumen de Silvia, Carolina, Jorge y Rubén:
" Today we have gone to visit Beachy Head. It has taken us up with a lot of efforts and jokes we have arrived to the cliff. San has told us the history about the Seven Sisters and also some of us have gone for a walk around. In the top of one of them, we have stayed talking and having fun. Even Olaya has sung for us, it has been incredible. Then we have had an ice-cream all together. Finally we have gone down laughing and making THE CROQUETA"

Resumen de Irene, Raquel, Laura y Pablo
"As usual, we have started the afternoon with a football match. Spain vs Colombia and of course, Spain has lost. After this passionate game Marcos,our teacher has given has the bad news that we have been complaining for all the day. After a long way to Beachy Head with laughs but included fatigue, we have arrived to the top. There we were able to see the wonderful chalk cliffs. After a long break with good musiccand a los of POSTUREO we have returned to the school. We have stopped in a typical ice cream truck where he have recharged the batteries. laura, Paul, Rachel and Irene have decreased the great hill as a CROQUETA."

Resumen de María, Olaya, Saúl y Paula
"In the morning we have had class, like everyday, but it has been different because we have spent two hours talkingwith Czechpeople. We have asked them some questions about their country and about them. It has been a very good experience because we have practiced our English and also we have known some things about their traditions.
After the classes, al 12:30, we have gone all together to have lunch and when we have finished we have played another football match against the colombian children.
About 2 o´clock we have gone out to Beachy Head with our guide whose name is Sam. We have been walking for an hour and then we have returned. However, it worths because it is really a  beautiful place and the views are fantastic. We like it so much.
Finally, al 6 o´clock we have arrived at school and then we have gone out to have dinner in an Italian restaurant in the city centre."

Resumen de Jose , Sara, Carlos y Diego
"Today we are tired. In the morning, in the college, we have stayed two hours talking with some pupils of Czech Republic. All the Spanish pupils have been placed face to face with Czech Republic pupils forming a row. We have asked them questions and they have asked us questions to know better each other.
After lunch, we have had some free time and in the afternoon we have had a trip.
Before the trip we have bought some bottles of fresh water in a machine. Then our guide Sam have gone with us to Beachy Head and he has given us some information about the place.
We have arrived there walking. We have had to climb and incline hill to arrive to the top. So when we have arrived we all have been very tired.
We have enjoyed some free time.
Finally we have gone down the hill and we have bought an ice cream before going back to the college"

Como véis el trabajo ha dado sus frutos y de paseo no hemos venido.
Mañana más y mejor....

PD. Ya tenemos lugar para ver el partido... Igual se arrepienten de habernos dejado verlo al día siguiente...

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